About Friends of Lake McQueeney

The Friends of Lake McQueeney (FOLM) was born in response to a crisis. The crisis was an infestation of a non-native weed called HYDRILLA. Property owners, businesses, and concerned friends joined together in the mid 1990's to attack an enemy that was literally choking the life out of the lake, turning it into a swamp where swimming, boating, skiing, and fishing became impossible in most areas of the lake.

By joining together, FOLM was able to raise the money and generate the political will to attack the problem. FOLM worked with authorities to allow a treatment plan of herbicides and sterile grass carp that not only controlled Hydrilla, but eliminated it. Our lake was saved from disaster.

Since that time, many new challenges have presented themselves. Having a standing organization with an adequate treasury has allowed us to address problems immediately and to have the interests of Lake McQueeney represented whenever new issues arise.

Current issues facing FOLM are water quality, regional water flow and supply, exotic weed control, water hazard removal, boating and water safety, and flood issues.

Contact Us          Meeting Minutes 2019

Friends of Lake McQueeney Board

President - Matt Hannon
520-971-1847 - cr8r78@yahoo.com

V.P. - Lacey Gosch
- 210-279-5851 - ltgosch@gmail.com

Secretary - Larry Schwab
830-609-9338 - camlarry@gmail.com

Treasurer - Kendra Wray
830-534-1410 - kendra@kendrawray.com

FOLM Zones and Board Representatives

Zone 1 - Woodlake & Happy Haven

Larry McDaniel - 830-463-5069 - BLTMAC8@yahoo.com
Peter Badger, 713-562-7899, pbadger@natalliance.com

Zone 2 - Laguna Vista

Paul Mueller -830-560-1844 - pmueller@koehco.com

Zone 3 - Lakeview Trail

Rob Wezeman - 915-309-6425 - robert.wezeman@partners.mcd.com
Bernie Croan - 830-560-1176 - bernycroan@gmail.com

Zone 4 - Treasure Island

Carter Burke - 210-865-1621 - 210-865-1621
Paul Swope - 512-565-1260 - paulswope@gmail.com

Zone 5 - Terminal Loop

Carter Burke - 1 210-865-1621 - rwsims@aol.com
Kendra Wray - 830-534-1410 - kendra@kendrawray.com

Zone 6 - Lake Ridge

Thomas Schleier - 830-305-4078 - tws@thomaswschleier.com
Karen McMillan - 830-560-2500 - karen@karenmcmillan.com

Zone 7 - At Large

stephen Schwarzbach - 832-771-6520
Carter Burke - 210-865-1621

Zone 8 - The Bandit & Vista Del Rio

Larry Schwab - 830-609-9338 - camlarry@gmail.com
Charles Shumate, 281-660-4091 - cwshumate@gmail.com

Zone 9 - Hot Shot & Isle of View

Kevin Brumley- (512) 728-1292 - Kevinkbrumley@gmail.com

Zone 10 - Las Brisas

Lacey Gosch - 210-279-5851 - ltgosch@gmail.com

Matt Hannon - 520-971-1847 - cr8r78@yahoo.com
